Comment réinitialise le mot de passe admin de OVM Manager

J’ai récemment du reéinitialiser le mot de passe admin de OVM Manager

The email address was not set up correctly so I couldn’t use the standard way to do that.

A quick search in Google and I got a link on Oracle Documentation. Unfortunately you can only change the password and not reset it.

Next link to a post using a script provided by Oracle. I didn’t use it as it is only for OVM 2.2 and I have version 3.3.

I succeeded by using this blog post and changing the password directly in Oracle database.

Of course you need the database OVS or SYS password.

--Login to database as SYS user or OVS user
-bash-3.2$ . oraenv

-bash-3.2$ ./sqlplus ovs/ovs@XE

-- Take a backup from OVS_USER table
 SQL> create table OVS_USER_BKP as select * from OVS_USER;

-- Update the password 
 SQL> UPDATE OVS_USER set password=create_encrypt_passwd('admin') where account_name='admin';
 1 row updated.

SQL> commit;
 Commit complete.




PS : once this issue solved a new one raised : ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.

The solution is in the Oracle document in Oracle support : “Oracle VM Manager 3.3: getting error ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH in Chrome (Doc ID 2099148.1)”

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