How to reset OVM Manager admin password

I recently had to recover the admin password for OVM Manager.

The email address was not set up correctly so I couldn’t use the standard way to do that.

A quick search in Google and I got a link on Oracle Documentation. Unfortunately you can only change the password and not reset it.

Next link to a post using a script provided by Oracle. I didn’t use it as it is only for OVM 2.2 and I have version 3.3.

I succeeded by using this blog post and changing the password directly in Oracle database.

Of course you need the database OVS or SYS password.

--Login to database as SYS user or OVS user
-bash-3.2$ . oraenv

-bash-3.2$ ./sqlplus ovs/ovs@XE

-- Take a backup from OVS_USER table
 SQL> create table OVS_USER_BKP as select * from OVS_USER;

-- Update the password 
 SQL> UPDATE OVS_USER set password=create_encrypt_passwd('admin') where account_name='admin';
 1 row updated.

SQL> commit;
 Commit complete.




PS : once this issue solved a new one raised : ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.

The solution is in the Oracle document in Oracle support : “Oracle VM Manager 3.3: getting error ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH in Chrome (Doc ID 2099148.1)”

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